Infographic: Veganism around the world

Hey! Welcome back to Veganism as a way of life. 

Today I’m leaving you an infographic with lot of diferent information.

There are two graphics related to the countries, one of them is about the Veganism en Europe and the other one, is a top 10 countries with more vegan people around the world.

Apart from that I also leaved the pros and cons about being vegan and also the food, that a vegan person must eat.

Hope you enjoy it!!!

 Veganism Infographic 



Digital humanities (DH) An academic field concerned with the application of computational tools and methods to traditional humanities disciplines such as literature, history, and philosophy.

‘the unit will advance scholarship in both classical studies and the digital humanities’


This links are from some DH projects that I found searching the internet. Take a look!


VEGANISM: The practice of not eating or using any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather.

VEGETERIANISM:  A person who does not eat meat or fish but yes some animal products like mik or eggs.

MISTREAT:  To treat a person or animal in a bad or cruel way.

HEALTY: Good for your health.

EXPLOITATION:  A situation in which someone treats another person unfairly in order to get an advantage for himself or herself.

DIET: The type of food that someone usually eats.

PROTEIN: A substance found in foods such as meat and milk and others that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong.


I searched three words on Google Books Negram Viewer, Nutrition, Veganism and alimentation, we can see that the most finded one is health with difference, then in a second low place we can see nutrition, and the last one it’s veganism, we can suppose that veganism is the last one because it’s a thing that started being popular not many time go and that’s why is the last one.


¡¡Thanks for visiting!!

My name is Clàudia I am a sixteen years old girl doing high school. 

I am doing a blog about the veganism because I’ve been beeing vegeterian for one year and  I think that, sacrificing some pleasures such as food, to think of third parties as animals and the enviroment, is more important, and it is a satisfaction for me.

Here I will explain some things about this life-style and de against and favor points of view.
